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Mushroom and it’s 8 massive benefits and side effects


Mushrooms have umbrella shaped fruiting body and it is a type of fungi but they are separated from plant and animals. Fungi is different from plant and animals for their nutrients. A mushroom  is the reproductive structure produced by some fungi. These are dissimilar to plants in the way they consume food as well.

Benefits of Mushroom

There are many benefits of eating such fungi, here are some benefits of such fungi given below :

Reduce the risk of Cancer :

Research shows that eating 20 grams of mushrooms a day may helps in lowering the risk of cancer by 48%. These are rich source of antioxidants and amino acid. some of their varieties like maitake, oyster and king oyster have high amount of antioxidants and ergothioneine. Many studies suggest that adding such fungi in your diet will help you by lowering the risk of cancer.

Reduce Cholesterol level :

These are healthy food with with less cholesterol levels, fats and calories. They contains many antioxidants that stop the production of cholesterol in your blood. Adding such fungi in your diet helps you in lowering the overall amount of cholesterol in your blood.

Source of Vitamin D :

Mushrooms are also a source of vitamin D. Vitamin D helps your body to absorb calcium and many nutrients. Vitamin D can be absorbed by human beings through sunlight but mushrooms are also a good source of vitamin D and also have such nutrients needed for your body. There is no need of sun exposure when you add some of such fungi in your diet.

Reduce blood pressure :

These are rich source of antioxidants and potassium and also contains low level of sodium. Potassium present in such fungi helps in lowering the tension in blood vessels, Some antioxidants present in them reduce the negative impact of sodium on your body, generally helps in lower blood pressure.

Helps in Heart health :

These are also rich in many vitamins like riboflavin, pantothenic acid and Niacin. Such vitamins is good for red blood cells, nervous system and digestive system. They also help in lowering the cholesterol level in your blood. They also contribute in nutrients and plant compounds. In such a way those vitamins helps in heart health or protect heart health from various diseases.

Support Immune system :

They contains many soluble fibers and one of which is aid to be beta-glucan . This compound helps in increasing the body’s ability to fight infection and stop progress or growth of Tumors. They also contains many vitamins that helps in preventing damage to cells and tissues and support Immune system.

Protect Brain :

Such food is rich in polyphenols which may be play a important role against cognitive decline in older  adults. There are many studies which founds that antioxidants like ergothioneine may helps to prevent brain related diseases like Alzheimer’s. In such a way they helps in protect brain from various diseases.

Helps in Diabetes :

Mushrooms helps in managing diabetes. diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by increased glucose in your blood. They have an antidiabetic effect by increasing number off cells of pancreas (beta-cells). Beta cells present in mushrooms and these cells helps in produce insulin and may help in controlling glucose. In such a way they helps in control diabetes.

Side effects of Eating Mushrooms :

There are may benefit of eating such type of fungi but it have some side effects too. Here are some side effects of eating too much mushrooms :

Stomach problems :

Mushrooms contains high amount of simple carbs and such carbs enters in large intestine undigested, because these are difficult to digest and produce gas and many other digestive problems in some people. There are also some stomach related problem caused because of overeating such fungi, are vomiting, cramping etc.

Allergies :

They helps in making immune system strong but they may result in skin irritation and allergies in those people, who have allergies to mushrooms. If they are consumed in high or excess amount, it also may result in bleeding, dry throat and many other problems.

Chances of Kidney failure :

When mushrooms like Portobello, shiitake etc. are not known any affect on kidney when they consumed in limited quantity of balanced diet. But many other varieties such as wild or exotic mushrooms, are commonly very toxic in nature. Such mushrooms which are highly toxic can leads to kidney failure as well as any damage to other organ.

Anxiety of mental illness :

Doctors advice to avoid mushroom to the people who are suffering from mental health condition and issues. Because such fungi cause increase anxiety levels and increases the chances of panic attacks if they are eaten in high quantity or over the limits. Many people also feels many mental illness because of eaten in large amounts.

Must avoid in Pregnancy :

Mushrooms are rich in fibers and help reduce metabolic disorder. Doctors advise to avoid the consumption of such food for females during Pregnancy and breastfeeding. Raw mushrooms have also a side effect. They can cause cancer in mothers as well as in Babies.

If you experience some adverse effect on your health by eating mushrooms, then you have to discontinue it’s consumption and must contact a doctor who is abled to guide you appropriately about your diet.


As we studies above, mushrooms provide us many nutrients and health benefits but overeating or eat too much can leads to few health issues or problems. Your mental health can be affect as of side effect of mushrooms and stomach upset, skin allergies , panic attacks, anxiety are also it’s side effects. So, Never consume mushrooms in high quantity and limiting it’s consumption can helps in avoid these problems and complications and also provide many health benefits.

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