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Polio cause, symptoms, Treatment and 2 massive Preventions


Polio is a virus that may cause paralysis and is transmitted through contaminated water or food, or by making contact with an infected person. Many people who are infected with such virus have no symptoms and they don’t become sick but some develop Paralysis. There is no cure for such virus. It can only be prevented by its vaccine or immunization. If anyone experiences some symptoms then immediately consult to a doctor for medical advice.

 Causes of Polio

Polio is caused by a virus named Poliovirus. It spread through sneezing, coughing, drinking contaminated water, swimming in contaminated water, Touching contaminated surfaces, eating food that touched with contaminated water or by coming in contact with an infected person. Such virus infect your intestines and throat. It can spreads to your brain and spine.


There are many symptoms of Polio but most of the infected people doesn’t show any symptoms. Some of the symptoms of such virus according to it’s types are following :

Abortive Poliomyelitis :

Abortive Poliomyelitis symptoms are similar to other illness. This leads to the flu-like symptoms. Some of such symptoms are following :

Non-Paralytic Poliomyelitis :

The symptoms of this type of virus are similar as abortive, but it have some additional symptoms. It doesn’t cause paralysis, While the illness lasts longer for few days. Some of such additional symptoms of are following:

Paralytic Poliomyelitis :

It also starts with the same symptoms of abortive and Non-paralytic, but it progresses to more painful and dangerous signs and symptoms. It is the most serious from of such disease. The symptoms of such type of virus are following :

Post Poliomyelitis syndromes :

It is type of virus that return even after you’re recovered. Some symptoms of such type are following :

Polioencephalitis :

It have another or rare type of symptoms. Some of such symptoms are following :


It is a disease cause by a virus and due to contaminated water or by coming in contact with an infected person. There is no cure for such disease or infection, but if you suffer from such infection then doctor will focus on making you comfortable and try to prevent other health issue and gives you a many other treatments. such treatments are following :


The best way to prevent it, is to get vaccinated. There are two types of vaccine that can prevent it :

Usually vaccination is done in childhood if didn’t then you have to consult a healthcare provider or doctor to get vaccinated.


As we studied above, Polio is a virus that can cause serious issues like paralysis and there is no cure for such virus. It spreads through contaminated water, by touching contaminated surface or by coming in contact with infected person, but it can be prevented through poliovirus vaccine that mostly vaccinated in people in childhood if doesn’t then there is an another vaccine that injected in legs and arms depends on patient’s age. So, it is beneficial to get vaccinated by such vaccine in childhood for avoiding the disease caused due to such virus.

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